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  1. CD Wire- April 9, 2013

    Saturday, April 13 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the US Bank Theatre at the Ohio Union. Nominated for the 2012 ...

  2. CD Wire- March 12, 2013

    Traditions Room of the Ohio Union from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. The session will be streamed live and can be viewed ...

  3. CD Weekly Wire- November 4, 2013

    November 8 Register now for the OSU Extension Annual Conference, December 4 at the Ohio Union. Early bird ...

  4. CD Weekly Wire- March 25, 2013

    April 2, from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Ohio Union’s Griffin East Ballroom. Yergin has served as an advisor and ...

  5. CD Wire- January 7, 2014

    digital dreams to life. The sessions are shorter than the typical Digital Union workshop, covering the ...

  6. CD Weekly Wire- December 3, 2012

    speaker in the Ohio Memorial Union. There will be recognition ceremonies on both days.  I hope you are ...

  7. CD Weekly Wire- September 23, 2013

    place at the Ohio Union on the following dates and times: Wednesday, September 25, from 10:30 to 11:30 ... 11) at the Ohio Union. The CEM designation is the definitive professional certification for energy ...

  8. CD Weekly Wire- November 13, 2012

    The OSU Extension Annual Conference will be held December 5 at the Ohio Union. The rate has increased ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- September 4, 2012

    held at the Ohio Union on December 5 is the ideal venue. I strongly encourage you to consider ...

  10. CD Wire- September 10, 2012

    2, at the Ohio Union from 9:30 a.m. until noon. More than 50 research centers, core laboratories, and ...
