
Search results

  1. Early-May Wheat Disease Update

    The wheat crop in Ohio is now at or just past Feekes 8 (flag leaf emergence), the growth stage at ...

  2. Fungicide Applications Depend on Soybean Growth Stages and Presence of Disease

    applications on soybean in Ohio.  There are several factors that I have found in the past that can influence ... spot.  Sclerotinia is not in every field in Ohio; we are targeting historic fields that were planted with ...

  3. Fungicide Options for Soybeans

    2015.  Here are a few guidelines, results from our studies in Ohio that point to the best return on ... trials in northeast Ohio.  If you are also going after weed escapes, this may also be a tool to consider. ...

  4. Ohio Certified Volunteeer Naturalists (OCVN) Program- Owls

    Owls Join us to learn about these amazing animals! You’ll get an up close look at mounted owls and learn their calls. Two local experts will join us to explore the world of owls. Jeff Harvey, Audubon Society Jim Kerr, Beaver Creek Wildlife Education Cente ...

  5. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: Attracting Backyard Birds

    Join Miami County MGV Marian Moeckel as she gives tips on attracting beautiful songbirds and other colorful feathered  birds to your yard this winter.   Learn how to provide ample food, shelter and water for the type of birds you desire to attract. Feeder ...

  6. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: Holiday Arrangement Workshop

    See flyer for details. Registration is required and is limited to the first 25 registrants. Deadline is November 25, 2016. ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-13

    Pierce Paul, Ron Hammond Corn planting is nearing completion in Ohio. Across the state and within ... week on slugs causing significant feeding injury requiring treatment with molluscicide baits in Ohio ... counterpart at Penn State several years ago).-No seed present. May be due to planter malfunction or bird or ...

  8. Northern Ohio Crops Day


  9. Corn Flea Beetle and Stewart's Leaf Blight Prediction

    February.  This winter we find that all areas of the state have indexes less than 90 suggesting that the risk ...

  10. Farm Science Review 2015--Last Minute Reminders

    Harvest has started in many areas of Ohio. At the Farm Science Review we have some of the crop off ...
