
Search results

  1. Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser – Pre-Vet Club

    OSU Pre-Vet Club is hosting a Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser October 17- October 18 from 11am-2am. Come out to Buffalo Wild Wings, watch football, and eat wings! Show our flyer and 10% of the proceeds will go toward OSU Pre-Vet Club!! The flyer can be show ...

  2. Apply to Towers

    Towers Agricultural Honorary is once again accepting applications for membership in their Honorary organization. Online Application for admission to Towers closes on Oct. 17 at 5pm. If you have any questions please contact: Aislinn Latham at latham.112@os ...

  3. Bi-State Youth Poultry Clinic


  4. Past Events


  5. Battelle Recruitment Visit

    Attention Students! Battelle Memorial Institute is hosting an information session, Tuesday, October 4 from 7-8pm in the Animal Science Building Arena. Attend this session to learn about Battelle, hear testimonials from current employees, and get informati ...

  6. Buckeye Royal Showmanship Club

    This year's Buckeye Royal Showmanship Contest presented by Buckeye Dairy Club is right around the corner. If you are interested in spending working with and spending quality time with a heifer out at the OSU Waterman Dairy Farm facility, this is the ...

  7. Agriculture and Natural Resources, Extension Educator In-Service: Animal Sciences


  8. Illinois PSM Programs

    Interested in Science AND Business? Check out Illinois PSM Programs Do you enjoy both science and business?  Are you contemplating graduate school, but just don’t know if you are up for research and a thesis?  The Illinois Professional Science Masters (PS ...

  9. Horsemen's Association Meeting

    The upcoming Horsemen's Association meeting will be Tuesday September 20th in Plumb Hall Room 102 at 6pm. Dr. Welker will be presenting "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of equine veterinary medicine". Join us for a great chance to get a pers ...

  10. Joint Veterinary Technology Program Information Session

    All freshman and sophomore-rank students interested in applying to the joint veterinary technology program need to attend the mandatory information session that will be held on Thursday, Sept. 29th at 5:30 in Plumb Hall 102.  If you have any questions, pl ...
