
Search results

  1. Ohio Will Host the Professional Heifer Growers

    $25. The pre-conference symposium is $20. For a program brochure and registration information, contact ... your local extension office or contact Tom Noyes at the Wayne County Extension office at 330-264-8722. ...

  2. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    contact Amanda Hargett at OSU (614) 688-3143 or go to our web site: ... Additional information also is available by contacting: Dr. Maurice Eastridge, The Ohio State University, ...

  3. 2006 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    additional information on the Conference or to register, contact Laurie Winkelman at OSU (614) 688-3143 or go ... contacting: Dr. Maurice Eastridge, The Ohio State University, (614) 688-3059; Dr. Herbert Bucholtz, Michigan ...

  4. 2010 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    Management. For additional information on the Conference or to register, contact Michelle Milligan at OSU ... available by contacting: Dr. Maurice Eastridge, The Ohio State University, (614) 688-3059; Dr. David Beede, ...

  5. Manure Science Review

    for walk-ins). For more information, contact Mary Wicks at (330) 202-3533 or ...

  6. Third Annual Dairy Farm Employee Short Course

    $120 for March 16 only. For additional information, contact Tom Noyes, Extension Dairy Agent, ...

  7. Environmental Stewardship- Minimizing Risk and Being Prepared

    site and application fields 3) a list of contact names and numbers included with the plan and posted ... biosecurity; and milk hauling and processors contacts. Items to consider in developing a plan of action to an ... environment, or livestock structures), 2) reduce risk through implementation of the planned steps, 3) contact ...

  8. Personnel Changes in the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University

    for his meat science program and teaching accomplishments. His contact information is: 110B Animal ... Welfare and Behavior in Livestock Industries”. Her contact information is: 222E Animal Science Building, ...

  9. Manure Spill Prevention

    contact in case of a manure spill/escape. Quick response can minimize detrimental effects; delays make ...

  10. Launch of the Dairy Farm Manager Academy Program

    for many dairy farmers. Many times in recent years, dairy farmers have contacted university personnel ...
