
Search results

  1. Does TMR Sampling Provide Useful Nutrient Composition Data? ...

  2. Neonatal Calf Management Workshop: A Cool Experience for the Serious Calf Raiser

    Mrs. Dianne Shoemaker, Extension Dairy Specialist, OSU Extension Center at Wooster The future of ... to download at or by contacting Dianne Shoemaker at (330) 263-3799. Register ...

  3. From Weaning to Freshening, Dairy Heifer Care and Management Workshop: Fun for the Serious Heifer Raiser

    Mrs. Dianne Shoemaker, Dairy Extension Specialist, OSU Extension  The future of every successful ... agenda and registration materials are available to download at or by contacting ...

  4. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    additional information on the Conference or to register, contact Amanda Hargett at OSU (614) 688-3143 or go ... to our web site: Additional information also is available by ...

  5. Rumensin® Approved for Lactating Dairy Cows

    a specific herd can be done by using the MS Excel file on the OSU dairy web site: ..., click on the link titled "Monitoring Economics of Ration Changes for Lactating Cows". ...

  6. Bonnie's "Buckeye Moos" Update

    posted on the web page.  There is also a current edition of my newsletter titled, ... and this is the first time OSU will be competing.  Bernie Heisner will also accompany us on the trip, ...

  7. 4-H and Collegiate Dairy Judging Results

    Collegiate The OSU dairy judging teams are having a successful season with some excellent results to report, ... including a first ever for the OSU team. There were four separate contests in 3 states during the month of ... on hand to compete and once again OSU was the 6th high team, the most prestigious contest of them ...

  8. Your Milk Check is Under Attack! Where are all the Federal Order 33 Pool $$'s Going?

    Cameran Thraen OSU Extension State Specialist, Marketing and Policy I n this column I am going to ... background  short (as I can make it) and to the point. In this article I am using published data from the ...

  9. Dairy Quality Assurance: Past, Present, and "Oh!", What A Future!

    Mr. Tim Demland, OSU Extension Associate and Executive Director Ohio Dairy Producers  Quality ... Consultant. Upon the completion of a successful "Walk-Through", the farm will be awarded either ...

  10. Manure Science Review

    be held in three locations. On Tuesday, August 24, it will be held in Reed Hall on the OSU Lima ...
