Wow wow wow! On Thursday September 8th, 16 members of the State MGV Advisory Committee held a meeting at the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Reserach Park. It was a great place for a meeting but even more, we learned about a wonderful resource for MGVs and Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists to learn from and to go for a field trip. Located on the northern edge of the OSU Campus and along the Olentangy River, this 52-acre urban research site is pretty incredible. When on the site, you don't even realize that you are in the city. Facility mamager Brent Macolley gave us a tour of the wetland project following an explaination of the site and the research program. He noted that this is one of the biggest years in terms of the number of students entering the Environmental Sciences program in the School of Evnrionment and Natural Resources.
After the tour the Advisory Committe had a great meeting to discuss a variety of issues affecting MGVs of Ohio. MInutes of those meetings will eventually be avialalble on this website for all MVs to review once we get the kinks worked out of the website itself! We also have two positions that will become available for the Committee in Jan. 2017. We need to replace the ANR Educators in the Northeast Region as well as the Central Region. If you are interested in a position, contact Denise Johnson for further details.