On July 13-15, 2017 Hocking County Master Gardeners staffed an Ask a Master Gardener booth at Lilyfest, a celebration of arts, crafts, food and music in the Hocking Hills. The festival is held at Bishop Educational Garden, a Hocking Soil and Water natural area and educational site and was celebrating its 26th year.
On Friday of the festival there were 102 visitors to the booth asking questions about the venue, the festival, gardening and the Master Gardener program. Saturday’s visitor list numbered 155 and an additional 132 attendees visited the booth on Sunday the 15th. All told the twelve Master Gardener Volunteers provided knowledge and information to 389 visitors. The twelve volunteers accumulated 49.5 service hours staffing the booth in addition to the multiple hours in set up the week prior and clean up the final day of the event.
Lilyfest attracts thousands of visitors each year to its three acres of manicured gardens drawing people from not only Ohio, but our entire region. This event is a showcase of not only the sculptured grounds but also is a testament to the amount of time, detail, and energy of the Hocking County Master Gardener Volunteer program.