Hundreds Participate in Miami MGVs New Horticulture Series

July 29, 2016

On the first Friday of each month, Miami County MGVs are hard at work educating the public on a variety of horticulture-related topics as part of their new series, Coffee with the Master Gardeners. The series, which began in February, is geared towards backyard gardeners and horticulture enthusiasts alike. Sessions have covered raised bed gardening, pruning techniques, roses, native plants, weed control, and fairy gardening. To date, 188 residents have participated in the series.


The project is headed up by MGV Coordinator, Amanda Bennett, and Kathy Wilkey, a Miami County MGV since 2014. Many other MGVs participate either by facilitating the sessions or by acting as a host for each event. The series was modeled after a similar program in Mahoning County.


The most popular session was April’s “Mommy and Me Fairy Garden Workshop,” with over 70 participants. Each adult-child pair constructed their own fairy garden, learned about succulents and other plants appropriate for fairy gardens. According to Elizabeth Franz, a newly trained MGV who helped facilitate the workshop, “It was really neat to see how the children participated and enjoyed the session. You could tell they were having fun and liked getting their hands dirty.”


Feedback from participants have been very positive and have included many suggestions for future topics. Surveys completed during our last session revealed that nearly 80% of participants planned to utilize one or more tips or plants shared in the session. Comments from participants have noted the sessions were wonderful, informative, and excellent. “People seem to really enjoy the speakers and the information and they are always asking what the next session is or if there is a “part two” planned. I’ve heard many say they cannot wait to take what they’ve learned and apply it to their gardening practices at home,” says Kathy.


Future sessions on extending the gardening season, succulents, and shade gardening are planned for the fall.

Written by Amanda Bennett, ANR Educator Miami County