Lunch & Learn and Happy Hour Webinar Series for Master Gardener Volunteers:
Winter/Spring 2022
Thursday, September 30
12 - 1 PM
Sod vs Seed: The Timeless Turf Question Explained
Andrew Muntz, Sales Representative, Past President of OTF, Green Velvet Sod
Andrew Muntz has been working with Green Velvet Sod Farms for the past 7 years. Prior to his time with Green Velvet, he has spent the past 18 years in the green industry. He started by loading trees and mulch into customers cars at the local garden center as a high school senior, and eventually went on to receive his Bachelors of Science in Landscape Horticulture from The Ohio State University and his Masters of Science in Turfgrass Science from The Ohio State University. Andrew has served on numerous industry boards throughout the state, including his time as the President of the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation.
Wednesday, October 6
4-5 PM
Spotted Lanternfly Update
Amy Stone, Extension Educator, Lucas County, The Ohio State University
Amy has earned degrees from Owens Community College and the University of Toledo including a Master’s Degree in Vocational Education. Her specialization is horticulture and has evolved to include invasive species and began with a local infestation of the gypsy moth in the county in the mid-nineties. In 2003, Amy collected and submitted the first known infestation of the emerald ash borer in Ohio. Amy worked on EAB for nearly ten years on USDA project dollars from APHIS and the US Forest Service. Work with Purdue University and Michigan State University, along with the USDA Forest Service on Emerald Ash Borer University continues. As Ohio faces numerous invasive species threats, Amy is part of an Extension team to address those threats through outreach and education efforts.
Wednesday, October 20
4 - 5 PM
The Buzz Behind Bee Disease
Dr. Ellen Klinger, Associate Professor, Professional Practice, Dept. of Entomology, The Ohio State University
Prior to coming to Ohio State, Ellen was employed for the past 15 years with the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service in Logan, UT. During this time she conducted research on a number of topics aimed to improve the use of native and solitary bees in agricultural settings. Her specialty is insect pathology, and she has conducted research with bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens of bees. Her specialty is fungal pathogens, and she in one of few researchers in the world studying the occurrence of fungal disease commonly known as “chalkbrood” in non- honey bee species. She is also interested in Integrated Pest Management, especially the use of microbials for control of pest insects.
Thursday, October 28
12 - 1 PM
Conifer Calamities
Dr. Curtis Young, Extension Educator, Van Wert County, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University
Dr. Curtis Young is a County Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator and Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University. He graduated from OSU in 1985 with a MS and in1998 with a Ph.D, both degrees in Entomology. Curtis specializes in entomology, plant & pest diagnostics, IPM, agronomic crop production, invasive species, and landscape management. Dr. Young is also very involeved with the Buckeye Environmental Horticulture Team and writes many blogs for the BYGL.
Wednesday, November 3
4 - 5 PM
Backyard Tree Diseases
Tim Abbey, Extension Educator, Horticulture, Penn State University
Tim Abbey's main responsibility is to educate nursery and landscape care professionals on how to manage ornamental plant pests using integrated pest management (IPM) strategies in the counties surrounding Harrisburg. He also coordinates educational programs that focus on pest management, tree care and other horticultural topics.He also serves as a resource for other audiences such as: Master Gardener training; educational lectures on ornamental plant pests outside of his base area; and entomology lectures to civic organizations, garden clubs and children's groups.
Wednesday, November 10
12 - 1 PM
Latin is a Language - Not Dead as Dead can Be
Using appropriate plant names isn’t being pedantic, it’s being accurate. If you know your nomenclature, you can more accurately diagnose problems and find the right solutions. Here, we break down the definitions of the four different plant names and why it matters.
Jim Chatfield, Associate Professor Emeritus, Horticulture and Crop Sciences and Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University
Jim Chatfield is an Associate Professor Emeritus and Extension Specialist in the Departments of Hort and Crop Science and Plant Pathology at The Ohio State University. Jim received his B.S. in Botany from Ohio University in 1975 and His M.S. Plant Pathology from OSU in 1979. Jim's areas of expertise include community tree evaluation, landscape horticulture, plant selection, plant diagnostics, pathology and botany.
Wednesday, November 17
4 - 5 PM
Homegrown Hops in Your Backyard
Brad Bergefurd, Extension Educator and Horticulture Specialist, The Ohio State University
Brad Bergefurd has been with OSU CFAES for 29 years working for OARDC and with the Department of Extension. His teaching and field research centers on crop diagnostics and management, season extension techniques (high tunnel, plasticulture, row covers), integrated pest management (IPM), micro-irrigation management and direct marketing and his applied research focuses on plasticulture production, hops production, strawberry harvest extension, aquaponics and hemp. His current research is funded by the Ohio Vegetable and Small Fruit Research & Development Program, USDA, North Central IPM and North Central Sustainable Agricultural Research and Education (SARE). Bergefurd lectures throughout the country and throughout Senegal West Africa.
Wednesday, December 1
4 - 5 PM
Basics of Viticulture
Dr. Maria Smith, Viticulture Outreach Specialist, Hort and Crop Sciences, The Ohio State University
Maria Smith joined the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science as a Viticulture Program Specialist in 2018, where she focuses on outreach in the viticulture industry. She is excited to apply her experiences to extension in helping the Ohio wine grape industry members achieve their production goals. Maria earned her B.S. in biology at Virginia Commonwealth University in 2009, an M.S. in horticulture from Cornell University in 2012, and recently defended her Ph.D. in horticulture at The Pennsylvania State University in August 2018. At Penn State, she worked under Dr. Michela Centinari in viticulture, researching the implications of vine selection on spring frost recovery and the use of novel and traditional canopy management practices on yield regulation, wine quality, and vine health in Vitis vinifera and Vitis hybrid grape varieties.
Thursday, January 6
4 - 5 PM
Extremes and diseases and invasives, oh my! Adapting to climate change in the garden
Dr. Aaron Wilson, Research Scientist, The Ohio State University
Aaron B. Wilson is an Atmospheric Scientist at The Ohio State University (OSU), holding a joint appointment as a Research Scientist at the Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center (BPCRC) and climate specialist with OSU Extension-the outreach arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. He is also a contributing member to the State Climate Office of Ohio ( Aaron uses his expertise in Ohio weather and climate to assess hydrologic conditions across the state, helping to coordinate the state’s weekly contribution to the U.S. Drought Monitor activities at the National Drought Mitigation Center.
Wednesday, January 12
12 - 1 PM
Basics of Hydroponics
Dr. Tim McDermitt, Extension Educator, Franklin County, The Ohio State University
Dr. Timothy McDermott has been an Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator within the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences for the past four years after twenty years in private practice veterinary medicine and surgery. He assists client resident backyard growers, community gardeners, teacher educators and urban farmers increase their production of fresh local produce through his work in local food production systems in Franklin County. He utilizes his veterinary expertise for Extension work in backyard poultry, small ruminant, insect-vectored disease and companion animal programming to client residents, the Department of Veterinary Preventative Medicine, and 4-H student livestock project education. He is a proud member of Buckeye Nation as a '96 grad of the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine.
Thursday, January 20
4 - 5 PM
IPM for Backyard Vegetable Gardens
Jim Jasinski, Professor, The Ohio State University
Jim Jasinski is an OSU Extension Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program coordinator. In this position, he works with and manages key personnel (specialists and Extension Educators) in the Departments of Extension, Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Horticulture & Crop Science to enable them to conduct applied research and demonstration projects that will increase IPM adoption among the citizens of Ohio. Jim also participates and organizes outreach education events such as field days, workshops, vegetable schools, and the annual fruit and vegetable congress.
Wednesday, January 26
12 - 1 PM
2022 Tick Update
Dr. Tim McDermitt, Extension Educator, Franklin County, The Ohio State University
Dr. Timothy McDermott has been an Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator within the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences for the past four years after twenty years in private practice veterinary medicine and surgery. He assists client resident backyard growers, community gardeners, teacher educators and urban farmers increase their production of fresh local produce through his work in local food production systems in Franklin County. He utilizes his veterinary expertise for Extension work in backyard poultry, small ruminant, insect-vectored disease and companion animal programming to client residents, the Department of Veterinary Preventative Medicine, and 4-H student livestock project education. He is a proud member of Buckeye Nation as a '96 grad of the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine.
Thursday, February 3
4-5 PM
Pesticide Safety Basics for the home gardener
Jennifer Andon, Program Manager, Master Gardener Volunteer Program, The Ohio State University
Jennifer currently serves as the Program Manager for the Master Gardener Volunteer Program at The Ohio State University. She graduated with her B.S. in entomology, with a minor in plant pathology from OSU in 2003. In 2008, she graduated with a M.S. in turfgrass entomology, after which she stayed with the department for 13 years as a research technician conducting field trials on turfgrass insect pests. In 2016, she joined the Pesticide Safety Education Program as Program Manager where she collaborated with Extension Educators to train and certify the private pesticide applicators of Ohio.
Wednesday, February 9
12-1 PM
The art of Grafting
Paul Snyder, Operations Manager, Secrest Arboretum, The Ohio State University
Paul Snyder is the operations manager at Secrest Arboretum. Paul started in 2010 as a college intern before being hired full-time. During his time at Ohio State, he shared a position between Secrest and the Department of Entomology under Dr. Dan Herms for several years before returning to Secrest full-time. Paul holds a Bachelor’s of Horticulture from Kent State University and a Masters in Theology from Malone University. Paul oversees garden maintenance, plant production, education, plant records, and the volunteer program which includes the Secrest Master Gardeners.
Thursday, February 17
4 - 5 PM
Galling of America
Joe Boggs, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Entomology, The Ohio State University
Joe is an assistant professor in Extension and has a courtesy appointment with the OSU Department of Entomology. In Extension, he is an Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Specialization: Tree/Shrub Diagnostics, Applied Entomology, Non-Native Invasive Pests, Urban Forestry. He averages over 100 teaching presentations per year. He's published articles in the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) Magazine, Landsculptor (Michigan Green Industry Association), the Buckeye Arborist, the Society of Commercial Arboriculture Newsletter, and the Canadian Groundskeeper. He has provided educational outreach on Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) since the beetle was discovered in Ohio in 2011 garnering over $100,000 in funding for outreach efforts. Joe is a frequent contributor to the Buckeye Yard and Garden Line (BYGL) blog []. His weekly radio segment, "Buggy Joe Boggs Report," runs from April through October on the Saturday morning show, “In the Garden with Ron Wilson,” (iHeartRadio: WKRC, Cincinnati; News Radio 610 WTVN, Columbus). The Cincinnati show is syndicated to 34 radio stations in 12 states.
Wednesday, February 23
12 - 1 PM
Perennial Update 2022
Pam Bennett, Program Director, Master Gardener Volunteer Program, The Ohio State Univeristy
Pam is an Associate Professor with The Ohio State University and serves as the State Master Gardener Volunteer Program Director and Horticulture Educator for OSU Extension in Clark County. She specializes in herbaceous ornamental plant trials and presents programs on annuals and perennials as well as other landscape topics locally, statewide, and nationally. Pam has also lectured in South Korea, China, Greece and Turkey. She is a Clark County Park District Commissioner, and a Board member of the Hartman Rock Garden. She is the Past-President of the Friends of the Ohio Governor's Residence and Heritage Garden. Pam is the co-author of an award-winning book, Garden-pedia, An A-to- Z Guide to Gardening Terms, writes a weekly gardening column for eight counties receiving the Cox Publishing brands, authors the bi-monthly Ask the Expert Column for Ohio Gardening magazine and is a frequent writer for popular gardening magazines as well as trade publications.
Wednesday, March 9
12 - 1 PM
The Basics of Growing Herbs
Susan Liechty, Master Gardener Volunteer Program, Delaware County
Susan Liechty is a self-taught herbalist, an advanced Master Gardener in Delaware County joining in 1995 and is a founding member of the Delaware Unit of The Herb Society of America in 1997 and has served as a Past-President on the national Board of Directors of The Herb Society of America, She completed the Backyard and Local Food Specialization program in 2010 and is currently chairing the Advanced Herb Specialization program for 2022.
Thursday, March 17
4 - 5 PM
Growing and Maintaining Lilacs
Dr. Mark Debard, Professor Emeritus of Emergency Medicine, Master Gardener Voluneer Program, Chadwick Arboretum, The Ohio State University
Mark is a retired Ohio State Professor Emeritus of Emergency Medicine. He has been an active Board member of the International Lilac Society (ILS) since 2018 and was elected the Membership Secretary in 2021. He has participated in numerous local, national, and international lilac meetings. For the last 3 years, he has been the Registrar for the International Registry & Checklist of Cultivar Names for the Genus Syringa, publishing 2-3 online updates each year. He is the editor of the new 2021 book of the lilac cultivar Registry, the first to be published in 20 years. He developed the first accurate color database of the flowers and buds of over 1400 lilac cultivars. Mark also was the Editor of the ILS 2020 Lilac Photo & Color database, a collection of 11,000 photos of over 1450 lilac cultivars, now a mainstay of the ILS member website and available for purchase. He spearheaded the development of the new ILS website as the Interim Webmaster, and successfully implemented and ran the first ILS online lilac auction last year. Mark is a reviewer for and frequent contributor to the ILS journal, LILACS. He frequently translates foreign language articles for the journal. Mark lives in Columbus, Ohio and has a major lilac collection in his yard of 171 in-ground different lilac cultivars and species, as well as about 50 unique potted cultivars, and regularly reproduces them by rooting cuttings and grafting rootstock, which he gives away or donates to the ILS auction. He became a Master Gardener in 2020 to increase his horticultural knowledge of flowering shrubs and especially his first plant love, lilacs.
Wednesday, March 23
12 - 1 PM
Fluctuations in Firefly Populations
Dr. Sara Lewis, Professor, Tufts Univeristy
Following many decades investigating insect behavior and sexual selection, our work now focuses on insect conservation. The firefly beetles rank among our most charismatic insects, yet the conservation status of these 2200+ species remains poorly understood. Prof. Lewis is a founding member of the Fireflyers International Network, and serves as co-chair of the Firefly Specialist Group of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Our mission is to identify and work to conserve threatened firefly species around the world. Specific goals are to: (1) assess Red List status for 2000+ species (2) prioritize key threats and conservation issues facing fireflies in different geographic regions (3) identify knowledge gaps for future biodiversity research, and (4) advocate for threatened species at regional and global levels.